Monday, December 15, 2008



The movie Twilight is a big hit in the theaters, the first weekend it came out it hit first place with $7.6 million across the world. The award-winning book had a huge fan base excited to see the movie. The movie cost about $37 million. The movie is about an outsider named Bella played by Kristen Stewart moves from Arizona to Forks to live with her dad. She meets a guy named Edward played by Robert Pattinson who turns out to be a vampire. They start a romantic relationship, which is very dangerous for them. Therefore it leads them to wild and crazy adventure for their lives.

I personally loved the book and was a little disappointed in the movie. Most of the fans were a little disappointed in the movie. Alana, one of the fans, said “I was disappointed in it because they did cut a lot of parts out from the book.” Other people who hadn’t read the book and went to go see the movie said it was pretty good from what they were expecting. As one of the fans, I thought it was all right but it could have been better than want it really was. I had higher expectations for the movie when I saw the previews. They also changed a lot of parts from the book like the Piano that that Edward plays it is black but in the book it is suppose to be white. I thought they got good actors to play the rolls I just wish that they would of keep more to the book. I think that they left some important parts out that they should have kept. I give the movie semi-thumbs up, but it didn’t reach my high expectations. She kept most of the parts true to the book.

They are talking about making the sequel to” Twilight” which is called “New Moon” rumored to start filming in March 2009. They have currently changed a director who has not been named yet. Robert Pattinson says he is up for the sequel, "My part in the second one is completely different," Pattinson says. "He's, like, distraught, and sort of goes mad. I much prefer the second one to the first, and I'm hardly in it. I just get this really cool, ominous presence in the book where Kristen keeps saying how much she's longing for the return of Edward and then I have this pretty dramatic entrance at the end where I'm going to kill myself. It's cool." Well Twilight was a hit in the movies but the fans were a little disappointed but with “New Moon” coming maybe they will change their mind.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Assignment 12/05/08

James Dillon, a Obama supporter, works everyday all over the country to help keep Obama supporters positive. There is a lot the negative going towards him. He is talking about yes he promised all this things but it is gonna take some time. We should watch out because Obama is our newly elected President.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

assignment 12/01/08

1. For a good caption you need to put details.You need to be specific.You don't want to tell what is happening in the photo, don't write what is obviously in the picture. When identifying people use their whole names. Try to use the first sentence in the present tense.

a. High off the ground for one last time - Chris Wright is in the air as he is off road biking. The grounds are soon gonna be use to build a new middle school."This was one of our favorite places to go off-roading," said Wright. "Dozens of us would spend hours each weekend riding our bikes. Now we'll just have to find some place else." Photo by Emma Juneke.

b. Help! - Curt Arnette looks for a player to break Taylor's press. The last game of the season was against taylor on Friday, Feb. 13 at the Alamo Dome. "We played hard," Curt said "we hussled the ball up and down the court. We played probably harder than we've ever played before. And that's what it takes to be district champs. It was tough making it to regionals play-offs and then getting beat. But at least Taylor High School went on to win. They were good. In some ways, I was relieved the season was over. I was tired of having to work out two hours a day." Photo by Joey Lin.

c. Bloody Business - Student Council President Jill Cavness gives blood. She gave blood on Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 6:30am in the small gym. "It hurt a bit when the needle went in. And i didn't particularly like watching my blood flow though the tube, but it was for a good cause," Cavness said. The Student Council was attempting to collect 30 pints of blood in one day to help flood victims after the flash flooding that occurred in late September. Photo by Justin Grimm.

assignment 12/03/08

Still proud, Still Kicking, Still Nice and Rough. I picked this one because I saw Tina and she is like been around for a long time and she still touring at her age. I also picked this one because the last part of the caption goes with one of her songs and I thought it was funny.

Gallery Awaits a reluctant (to Sit) Cuomo. I picked this one because it look cool with the same guy but different styles of drawings. I also picked it because it doesn't look normal.

Crumbling South Bronx as a Muse. I chose this one because it has been awhile since I've seen a black and white photo. I liked this one because it is kind of plain but yet powerful.

A Temple of Rock Culture. I liked this one beacuse it stands out than most photos. I also liked this one because it is very colorful!

Excerpt: 'Crusoe'. I chose this one because the man looks kind of scary and weird like not everyday you see someone like this. I also picked it because I have heard of the book which is now made into a tv series.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Assignment 10/20/08

Glow shines on eagerly awaited 'Twilight'

Who: The movie Twilight and its actor Robert Pattinson and actress Kristen Stewart.

What: They are getting big buzz about their upcoming movie. Girls are going crazy for Robert Pattinson.The book as become extremely popular.

When: The movie is released this Friday November 21, 2008.

Where: It is being released worldwide, and they already had a release in Los Angles and there were hundreds of screaming girls there.

Why: The director had read the book and thought it was good enough to make a movie and all of a sudden it just came really popular and now they have hundreds of screaming fans for the movie.

How: This movie cost thousands of dollars to produce. This really effects the whole Twilight fan base. They have been waiting for this movie to be released. Personally I can't wait for this movie to come out, I have read the book and when I started reading it I couldn't put it down.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Assignment 11/18/08

1. To improve my essay I need to read it out loud. I need to use simple sentences and remove clutters in my work.

2. I need to make a check list to ask myself to make sure i have everything. I need questions like have i used simple sentences? or have I been clear with my words choice? Have I used example so people can relate and understand what I'm saying? stuff like that.

3. I need to try not be libel. This occurs when I am careless with the article, or i exaggerate my writing, or my failure to talk with the subject.

4. A ethical reporter avoids writing about a friend or relative. They avoid writing about a business partner. They don't seek benefit in business or financial transaction, and they refuses freebies.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Assignment 11/07/08

Give a brief (2-4) sentences over the following sections:

The writing Process- The is like 6 major points in the writing process. Starting with gathering the facts, then focus on a theme, decide which facts are most important, write the beginning fast so you have more time for the middle and end, have someone else edit it for you, and always remember that that much of the work in writing a news story is done before the first words are put to paper.

2.Getting Organized- After you gathered all the information, now you have to organize it. You have to Mark the best of it, then decide on a focus, place these main points in a logical sequence, then take a moment to plan the story from beginning to end, and last as Jack Hart, writing coach at the Oregonian, has said, "Writing is thinking."

3. Story Structure-Now that you organized the information now you have to put it into a structure. You have to let the story flow easily. Put it from most important to least important.

4. The news lead- part 1- Now you have to write a lead, a lead is based on one main idea. It is like a miniature summary for the topic of your article.

5. the news lead-part 2- the second lead is a feature lead. It usually sets a scene or evokes a mood with an incident, anecdote or example. The writer may foreshadow events for an anticipated surprise.

6. the rest of the story- The real strength of your story will come from the details that back up the promise of the lead. A good way to end a story is to add a a good morsel for the end.

7. the tools of the trade- to have a good article you want to make the reader them hear, to make them feel, to make them see. News writing is also concrete and specific.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Assignment 11/05/08

Yesterday at 11pm eastern time Senator Barrack Obama was announced the 44th President of The United States Of America. He is the first African America man to be the President of the United States. The election yesterday brought all the people of America, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American out to be the difference for our country.

This will effect everyone's life. We will see a lot of change in our country, we will see major changes and we will see minor changes. We will see a new attitude from America. People are realizing that you can do anything no matter what the color of your skin, or your race. Obama has shown that in what he has accomplished.

The country will never be the same again. President Obama is going to put the country in a new direction. Our country will have high hopes now. It will show future of it's citizens that you can be anything that you want to be.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Assignment 10/30/08

1.The Band Directors, and the Band students and the Principal.

2.Band Directors
a. How do you feel now that you made it to state?
b. How do you plan to prepare for state?
c. How Proud are you of your students?
d. Do you know what kind of musical piece you plan on playing?
e. How would you celebrate if you won state?
f. Do you feel that your students are prepared for this?
g. How many other school are gonna be there?
h. when you go to state do you ever get new ideas from the other bands?
i. how hard do you push your students?
would you still be happy if you got 2nd place?

Band Students
a. How do you feel now that you made it to state?
How would you celebrate if you won state?
c. what is the thing you most look forward to the most?
d. Do any of your friends tell you the pressure's on?
e. How proud are you that you guys made it to state?
f. Are you excited to see other kids from around the state?
g. would you still be happy if you got 2nd place?
h.Would you trade for any other class or activity?
i. Are you excited to go to Louisiana for state?
j. Do you feel like your band directors are preparing you enough for this?

a. How do you feel now that you made it to state?
How would you celebrate if we won state?
c. what is the thing you most look forward to the most?
How proud are you that the band made it to state?
e. Did you think that the band directors did a good job?
f. Are you going to throw a prep- rally for band before they leave?
g. would you still be proud if we didn't get 1st place?
h. are you proud of how hard the student worked for this?
i. would you say that you are the most
excited when you get the news?
j. how do you respond when you get this kind of news?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Assignment 10/28/08

1. Choose Topic.
2. What is the issue?
3. Who is involved?
4. Who could you interview for more information?
5. Is your topic relevant? Will faculty, students, parents care about the issue?

1. Band Making it to State.
2. Band making it to State and being one of the top marching bands in Texas.
3. The Band Directors, and the band students, and possibly the school.
4. The Band Directors, and the Band students.
5. I think everyone will be interested in the topic because everyone in school cares about their school marching band.

Assignment 10/24/08

Part 1:

Who: A old man and a very old eye

What: the old man got a eye that is 123 years old and it still works

Where: in norway

When: it doesnt say when it happen but the article was written
Thurs. Oct. 23, 2008

Why: they really don't say why.

How: this doesn't effect nobody. this really only effects him. maybe it was an eye that was good for him and he approve of trying it. i think is cool but very strange.

Part 2:

Brainstorm a list of at least five possible article ideas connecting to our school. Post on your blog.

1. Band Making it to state

2. Long Lunch Line

3. Are the teachers preparing the kids enough for TAKS?

4.Why does the football team lose all the time?

5. Will it help the kids grades if we had dress code?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignment 10/20/08

1. the seven qualities
a: generalist, Quick, curious, pleasant, honest, courageous, and intelligence.
b: i do agree because why are you going to write a good article when you are not be interested in it. How are you gonna get the information you need for the article if you won't be courageous if you don't get it.

2. a. Charles A. Dana definition of the news is "Anything that interests a large part of the community and has never been brought to its attention before."
b: Impact, Proximity, Timeliness, Prominence, Novelty, Conflict, and Audience.

3. a. research, observation and interviewing
b. 1. Preparation
2. Preparation allows you to ask good questions
3. tentative theme
4. Phrase your questions in a neutral way
5. how you dress
6. Think of your meeting with the subject as a structured but friendly conversation, not an interview
7. Try to establish a rapport with the person early on
8. Look the subject in the eye and listen carefully to his/her answers.
9. When the source is speaking, nod or make some verbal remark to show you are listening and understand
10. Observe and record the person's body language, mannerisms, dress, physical features, distinctive characteristics and interactions with others
11. Focus on what the source is saying, not on what you will ask next.
12. Don't interrupt, don't ask long questions, don't talk too much, don't challenge too early in the conversation
13. Control your physical actions and mental attitude
14. Begin with easy questions, perhaps biographical ones
15. If the subject takes the interview in an unexpected direction, go with her/him but remember you are in charge of the interview
16. Make accuracy your goal
17. Tell the subject you will be calling back later to check facts (not quotes) and do so
18. Tape record the conversation if time permits and the story demands
19. Assume that the conversation is "on the record."
20. Direct quotes from your subject are essential for your story.
21. Make sure the quote is revealing of your subject
22. Strive to discover during the interview the "actual reality."
23. Figure that there is material that your subject knows, will tell you and will let you report

4.To get a good interview make sure you have a lot of information.But make sure the information is right and trustful.Don't rely on what people tell you and double check everything.Also be skeptical.Also research more details and ask other people information.

a good reporter knows that there's no substitute for being their interview your subject. a important qualities reporters must have is to be easy going around strangers.always be alert in common ground and share with people what you deal with. be careful of what you say and do and not cross that fine line between whats right thing to do and whats gonna get you in hot water. step in the shoes of the person your interveiw and think and talk like them.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Assignment 10/16/08

Article # 1
Who: Teenagers

What: aren't getting enough sleep to succeed in school

When: it happens everyday. the article was written 06/18/04

Where: In America

Why: Now a days people have such a hectic schedule that they don't have time to get enough sleep.

How: People have to many things to do. not getting enough sleep could effect them in their school efforts.

This is a hard story.

Article # 2
Who: Kids

What: are becoming over weight

When: every day

Where: Mostly in America

Why: they aren't getting enough physical activity.

How: People are getting more input then putting output.

this is a soft story.

Article # 3
Who: Kids

What: are becoming over weight

When: every day

Where: in London

Why: they aren't getting enough physical activity.

How: People are getting more input then putting output.

This is a soft story.

Article # 4
Who: Teenagers

What: a lot of them have good relationships with their parents.

When: every day, the article was written on 07/05/04

Where: Canada

Why: their families stay really close.

How: their parent actually communicate with them.

this is a hard story.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Assignment 10/09/08

Article 1:
who: Senator Obama and Senator McCain

what:Senator Obama says that McCain plan to get out of the economic problem is not the right solution.

when: Obama is tell all the voters that are swing on who to vote for.

where: at his speeches in different states

why: Obama is trying to prove he has the right solution to get out of the economic slump.

how: this will effect all the taxpayers. it will probably cost the same amount but the government won't get all of the money.

lead: Obama: McCain plan rewards bad behavior

re-written lead: Obama shoots down McCain's Economic Solution.

Type of Article:

Article 2:
Who: Kids and Adults, a program called IBPYP

What: Kids have a place to go where they talk about how to correct wrong doings. Trying to become a peacemaker.

Where: in Manhattan

When: All Year Around

Why: To help kids get away from abuse or anything that is going on at home.

How: This can help better and not grow up to be abusive.

Lead:Playing Roles for a Real Education

Re-Written Lead: Kids Play Roles to become a Peacemaker.

Type of Article:Feature

Article 3:
Who: The Republican and
Democratic Parties.

What: They are fighting to see who get get the open chairs in congress.

When: When the President is elected.

Where: Washington

Why: to control congress

How: this could effect the whole U.S which ever party wins will control not just congress what but what we will do to get out of our economic slump.

G.O.P. Facing Tougher Battle for Congress

Re-Written Lead: Parties fight over Congress.

Type of Article:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Assignment 10/07/08

There are three basic types of articles.

1. News- this is reporting the facts.

2. Editorial- this is an editor's opinion on the facts.

2. Feature- this is a prominent or special article, story, or department in a newspaper.


Using the internet, find an example of all three types of articles. Post links on blog.

1. News- "Dancing With The Stars Misty May-Treanor out of the Competition"

2. Editorial-
"Who scored a perfect 10 on 'Dancing'?

3.Feature- "Warriors for the Cause"

warm up 9/07/08

  • lead- a short summary that leads into a newspaper article.
  • body- the part of the article that goes into detail about the event.
  • quotation- The act of quoting
  • transition - A passage connecting two themes or sections
  • inverted pyramid- a metaphor used to illustrate how information should be arranged within a text within a news story
  • feature- special article,or story in a newspaper

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Interview Questions (Assignment 10/01/08)

1. What are your goals for the school year?
A: "To pass all my classes so I can go to collage."

2. What's your favorite class?
A: "It's my internship class."

3.Do you do any actives after school?
A: "No"

4. What are you hobbies?
A: "Working on a story, I'm trying to turn into a T.V series."

5.What kind of music do you like?
A: "Every type"

6.Where did you grow up?
A: "Austin"

7.What kinds of movies do you like?
A: "Any type"

8.Do you have a job? if yes where?
A: "yes at Walgreen's"

9. Do you like playing sports?
A: "I don't mind but I don't technically enjoy it."

10.What do you do after school?
A: "Go home and relax, do any homework I might have."

11.Do you have any siblings? How many?
A: "Yes a brother that's older"

12. What are your friends like?
A: "they are all different."

13.What do you and your friends like to do?
A: "Talk about what ever comes to mind."

14.What subject do you dislike the most?
A: "Math"

15. What's you favorite food?
A: "Hamburgers."

16.What kind of grades do you get?
A: "A's and B's."

17.Do you have any pets?
A: "Yes, 5 cats,2 dogs, and several fish."

18.What's your regular day like?
A: "Do whatever is panned for the day like school, my job, and church. Then free time i do what I enjoy."

19. What's your favorite T.V show?
A: "Don't have one."

20. Would you rather text or talk on the phone?
A: "Talk on the phone."

Monday, September 29, 2008

Assignment 9/29/08

Topic: School Uniforms

1. Students
2. Parents

1. How do you feel about dress code?

2.Do you think students(you) will stick to the dress code?

3. Do you think that this will effect the parents economically?

4.Why do you think why now they want to enforce a dress code?

5. If you could make the dress code what would you make it?

6. How do you think the students will react?

7. Do you think the students should have a say in the dress code?

8. Do you think the students would rebel?

9. Do think this goes against the constitution for our freedom of expression?

10. Do you think it wrong to shut the kids down of their creativity through their clothes?

11.What will be the punishment if you are out of the dress code?

12. How do you think the students will feel?

13. Do you think that the dress code makes us look more civilized?

14. What do you think the good points and the bad points are in the dress code?

15. Do you think with the dress code students will be more focus on their school work?

16. Do you think that dress code will help improve our TAKS scores?

17. Do you think the dress code will stay long?

18. Do you think the school board as a right to enforce it without say of the parents?

19. Do you think the parents should have a say in the dress code?

20. Will the school provide the dress code?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Assignment 9/19/08

5 W's and H;
Who?: A veterinary clinic in South Austin.

What?: They were evacuated from the vet clinic because a canister of 'Super Magnum Bear Spray' was spilled causing them and the animals to leave as quickly as possible because it was burning their eyes and making it hard to breathe.

Where?: South Austin Captial Veterinary Clinic

When?: Tuesday

Why?: They evacuated because it was burning their eyes and skin and could be harmful to the animals there.

How?: A bio clean up unit came to clean up the mess.

The Lead:
A canister of 'Super Magnum Bear Spray' spurred the evacuation of animals and employees from a local veterinary clinic Tuesday.

Rewritten lead:
Bear spray causes evacuation of animal shelter.

Father Was a Spy, Sons Conclude With Regret :
Who?: Michael and Robert Meeropol

What?: They have found out that their parents were spies for the Soviet Union in the Cold war.

When?: It was 1953 when their parents got executed.

Where?: They got executed in Sing Sing prison in Ossining, N.Y.

Why?: They were caught being spies for the Soviet Union
How?: ???

The Lead: They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. (?)

Rewritten lead: Cold War Spy's Sons Try to prove innocents after a decade later.

Assignment 9/17/08

What do these images say to you?
What do you see?
Describe the pictures in your own words.
What element of news is Ike to you?

Hurricane Ike caused a lot of destruction to everywhere that it hit and possibly ruined people's life because it destroyed all of their belongings and theirs homes.A lot of destuction and broken trees and houses and debris everywhere and also there's no people around in the picture.In the first picture in the top all the cars are like together kinda in a pile and some are flipped over. In the third all the remains and debris are piled up and it looks like a roof is on top of it and you can see some of the peoples stuff.There is a lot of broken stuff and it looks deserted and you cant even tell what was standing there before the hurricane hit.

This can be Proximity or Human interest.

Assignment 9/15/08

Read this article. What do you think of it? Do you think the Sara Foley had a right to be at the shelter? What are the 5 W's and H of this article? What is the element of news that this article would fall under?

Who:Sara Foley and an Austin evacuation shelter.It affects her. The statesman.

What:They removed her from the shelter.She's staying with a friend now. They removed her for blogging on how the shelter was and how they people in it liked it.

When:On that Friday,September 12th. On that Friday.

Where: It happened at the Crockett High School evacuation shelter.

Why:The officials felt uncomfortable with her writing about the shelter.

How: the school officials just removed her. Not A lot of people but I guess Sarah and people who care about the issue.

I feel she shouldn't have done that. She should of respected the evacuees space and not invade their life's after all of their stuff could of been destroyed. I think it was right to kick her out.

I think it can go under Conflict or Human interest.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Assignment 9/23/08

Q: A candidate for public office, a reporter discovers, was put on trial for alleged aggravated robbery almost 15 years ago. He was acquitted. Is this of relevance to the media during the current election? What obligation dos the media have to report such things?

A: I don't think that it has relevance during the current election because it happen 15 years ago and he was found acquitted. It would change if he was found guilty. I think that the media has an obligation to report such things because a lot of voters like to know the background of the people who are running.

Q:Find five examples in local papers of when stories were written because the people affected needed to know what was going on.

A: 1:Masseur accused of videotaping clients
2:When Ike called, Austinites answered Local people donate time, money and items to evacuees.
3:Eagle Lake man admits role in 2006 Hays County shooting death
4:AISD proposes two new schools in place of Eastside High School
5:Hurricane alters debate on coastal construction Some landowners, state officials clash over proposals to protect beaches and limit building.

Warm Up 9/23/08

ethics - The science of human duty

libel - a false statement that damages a person's reputation

slander - false statements injurious to a person's reputation

public figure - A famous person whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest and scrutiny.

private citizen - a citizen who does not hold any official or public position

Hazelwood case - students printed 2 articles that was not allowed to be printed.