Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Assignment 10/09/08

Article 1:
who: Senator Obama and Senator McCain

what:Senator Obama says that McCain plan to get out of the economic problem is not the right solution.

when: Obama is tell all the voters that are swing on who to vote for.

where: at his speeches in different states

why: Obama is trying to prove he has the right solution to get out of the economic slump.

how: this will effect all the taxpayers. it will probably cost the same amount but the government won't get all of the money.

lead: Obama: McCain plan rewards bad behavior

re-written lead: Obama shoots down McCain's Economic Solution.

Type of Article:

Article 2:
Who: Kids and Adults, a program called IBPYP

What: Kids have a place to go where they talk about how to correct wrong doings. Trying to become a peacemaker.

Where: in Manhattan

When: All Year Around

Why: To help kids get away from abuse or anything that is going on at home.

How: This can help better and not grow up to be abusive.

Lead:Playing Roles for a Real Education

Re-Written Lead: Kids Play Roles to become a Peacemaker.

Type of Article:Feature

Article 3:
Who: The Republican and
Democratic Parties.

What: They are fighting to see who get get the open chairs in congress.

When: When the President is elected.

Where: Washington

Why: to control congress

How: this could effect the whole U.S which ever party wins will control not just congress what but what we will do to get out of our economic slump.

G.O.P. Facing Tougher Battle for Congress

Re-Written Lead: Parties fight over Congress.

Type of Article:

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