Thursday, January 8, 2009


Leona Lopez

1st Period

December 31,2008, New Years Eve for most, but for the Lopez family it was major party time in Houston.

The family came from all over Texas went down to celebrate together. As everyone showed up out came the liquor. The salsa started flaring and dancing til midnight began. We had people from Kyle, Tx. We had people from Austin Tx. We had people from Port Lavaca,TX.

They weren’t nobody under the age of 15 there. Most were drinking age but 2 teens there who were responsible and did not drink. Others that couldn’t not make it still called at midnight to wish us a happy new year. Everyone all slept in the house so nobody left driving dunk.

“It was so much fun and everyone was so wasted.” Ashley Lopez says. “ My cousin Lina was so much fun when she had just a few drinks, we danced all night."

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