Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Assignment 02/24/09

1. You must chose one of the following types of article:
  • Sports - Report the scores and stories. Don't try to give a play by play, just relate the highlights and mention the names of those who made the outstanding plays.
2. Once you've picked the type of article you need to brainstorm possible ideas. Post list on blog.
  • The Varsity losing by 1 point in overtime in the playoffs. Feb. 23,2009
  • The Varsity making it to playoffs.
3. Once you've picked one idea, think/brainstorm where you can find information for your topic. Ex. People to interview, websites to visit, statistics. Post on blog.

The Varsity losing by 1 point in overtime in the playoffs. Feb. 23,2009
  • The Team
  • The Coach
  • Some Students that went to the game
  • Some Teachers that went to the game
4. Start searching for information. Post ALL sources you use on your blog. If you need to interview someone at the school, come talk to me.


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