Monday, December 15, 2008



The movie Twilight is a big hit in the theaters, the first weekend it came out it hit first place with $7.6 million across the world. The award-winning book had a huge fan base excited to see the movie. The movie cost about $37 million. The movie is about an outsider named Bella played by Kristen Stewart moves from Arizona to Forks to live with her dad. She meets a guy named Edward played by Robert Pattinson who turns out to be a vampire. They start a romantic relationship, which is very dangerous for them. Therefore it leads them to wild and crazy adventure for their lives.

I personally loved the book and was a little disappointed in the movie. Most of the fans were a little disappointed in the movie. Alana, one of the fans, said “I was disappointed in it because they did cut a lot of parts out from the book.” Other people who hadn’t read the book and went to go see the movie said it was pretty good from what they were expecting. As one of the fans, I thought it was all right but it could have been better than want it really was. I had higher expectations for the movie when I saw the previews. They also changed a lot of parts from the book like the Piano that that Edward plays it is black but in the book it is suppose to be white. I thought they got good actors to play the rolls I just wish that they would of keep more to the book. I think that they left some important parts out that they should have kept. I give the movie semi-thumbs up, but it didn’t reach my high expectations. She kept most of the parts true to the book.

They are talking about making the sequel to” Twilight” which is called “New Moon” rumored to start filming in March 2009. They have currently changed a director who has not been named yet. Robert Pattinson says he is up for the sequel, "My part in the second one is completely different," Pattinson says. "He's, like, distraught, and sort of goes mad. I much prefer the second one to the first, and I'm hardly in it. I just get this really cool, ominous presence in the book where Kristen keeps saying how much she's longing for the return of Edward and then I have this pretty dramatic entrance at the end where I'm going to kill myself. It's cool." Well Twilight was a hit in the movies but the fans were a little disappointed but with “New Moon” coming maybe they will change their mind.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Assignment 12/05/08

James Dillon, a Obama supporter, works everyday all over the country to help keep Obama supporters positive. There is a lot the negative going towards him. He is talking about yes he promised all this things but it is gonna take some time. We should watch out because Obama is our newly elected President.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

assignment 12/01/08

1. For a good caption you need to put details.You need to be specific.You don't want to tell what is happening in the photo, don't write what is obviously in the picture. When identifying people use their whole names. Try to use the first sentence in the present tense.

a. High off the ground for one last time - Chris Wright is in the air as he is off road biking. The grounds are soon gonna be use to build a new middle school."This was one of our favorite places to go off-roading," said Wright. "Dozens of us would spend hours each weekend riding our bikes. Now we'll just have to find some place else." Photo by Emma Juneke.

b. Help! - Curt Arnette looks for a player to break Taylor's press. The last game of the season was against taylor on Friday, Feb. 13 at the Alamo Dome. "We played hard," Curt said "we hussled the ball up and down the court. We played probably harder than we've ever played before. And that's what it takes to be district champs. It was tough making it to regionals play-offs and then getting beat. But at least Taylor High School went on to win. They were good. In some ways, I was relieved the season was over. I was tired of having to work out two hours a day." Photo by Joey Lin.

c. Bloody Business - Student Council President Jill Cavness gives blood. She gave blood on Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 6:30am in the small gym. "It hurt a bit when the needle went in. And i didn't particularly like watching my blood flow though the tube, but it was for a good cause," Cavness said. The Student Council was attempting to collect 30 pints of blood in one day to help flood victims after the flash flooding that occurred in late September. Photo by Justin Grimm.

assignment 12/03/08

Still proud, Still Kicking, Still Nice and Rough. I picked this one because I saw Tina and she is like been around for a long time and she still touring at her age. I also picked this one because the last part of the caption goes with one of her songs and I thought it was funny.

Gallery Awaits a reluctant (to Sit) Cuomo. I picked this one because it look cool with the same guy but different styles of drawings. I also picked it because it doesn't look normal.

Crumbling South Bronx as a Muse. I chose this one because it has been awhile since I've seen a black and white photo. I liked this one because it is kind of plain but yet powerful.

A Temple of Rock Culture. I liked this one beacuse it stands out than most photos. I also liked this one because it is very colorful!

Excerpt: 'Crusoe'. I chose this one because the man looks kind of scary and weird like not everyday you see someone like this. I also picked it because I have heard of the book which is now made into a tv series.