Thursday, January 29, 2009

Assignment 01/29/09

They change her neck length by moving her head up and they also made it thinner. They made her eyes bigger so they pop out. They smooth out her skin on her face. They rose her eyebrows when they enlarged her eyes.

I don't think it is ethical to change a person's appearance because its like your changing who the person is. Ethic means a set of principles of right conduct and do you think it is right to tell somebody that they are beautiful and then change everything about them.

I don't think it is all that bad compare to other where they really really change things.

I think that applying make-up is OK and maybe enlarging the eyes and smoothing her skin are OK too. I don't think making her neck longer and thinner is OK.

I think the difference between fashion photography and photojournalism is that fashion is just about making the model look good so people will pay attention and people will buy the product, and photojournalism they just edit the photo to make the main object pop out more so the viewer will pay more attention on the main object.

I think that fashion photography sometimes doesn't show the real reality but I think that photojournalism shows more reality than fashion does.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assignment 01/07/09

1.The story is about UW- Madison Collage who printed a picture for their brochure of a white and black man to try to show that they had minorities there. Some people took it the wrong way and now they are apologizing for it, for they didn't mean it that way.

2.A.Most Unethical-
I think this is the most unethical because the defination of ethic a set of principles of right conduct, and with a student being shot I don't thing is a right thing to do.

B. Least Unethical -
I think this is least unethical because it show the solider standing there and the purpose of the solider is to protect people and that what people think when they see a person in a uniform.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter Break

December 31,2008, New Years Eve for most, but for the Lopez family it was major party time in Houston.

The family came from all over Texas went down to celebrate together. As everyone showed up out came the liquor. The salsa started flaring and dancing til midnight began. We had people from Kyle, Tx. We had people from Austin Tx. We had people from Port Lavaca.

They weren’t nobody under the age of 15 there. Most were drinking age but 2 teens there who were responsible and did not drink. Others that couldn’t not make it still called at midnight to wish us a happy new year. Everyone all slept in the house so nobody left driving dunk.

“It was so much fun and everyone was so wasted.” Ashley Lopez says. “ My cousin Lina was so much fun when she had just a few drinks we danced all night.
William Taylor shows us his CD protection at 7:28pm. It was said that he didn't trust anyone else or anything else for protection.

Oscar Lopez decided that it is time for a carwash at 4:15pm. it said that it would be easier so he just drove his car into the pool.

The Birthday boy sure is happy. the family thought it would be cool if the actual birthday boy got a skull for a birthday cake.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Leona Lopez

1st Period

December 31,2008, New Years Eve for most, but for the Lopez family it was major party time in Houston.

The family came from all over Texas went down to celebrate together. As everyone showed up out came the liquor. The salsa started flaring and dancing til midnight began. We had people from Kyle, Tx. We had people from Austin Tx. We had people from Port Lavaca,TX.

They weren’t nobody under the age of 15 there. Most were drinking age but 2 teens there who were responsible and did not drink. Others that couldn’t not make it still called at midnight to wish us a happy new year. Everyone all slept in the house so nobody left driving dunk.

“It was so much fun and everyone was so wasted.” Ashley Lopez says. “ My cousin Lina was so much fun when she had just a few drinks, we danced all night."

The Name of The Technique

Simplicity- the blue background is simple so your eyes forced to focus on the two building on fire.

The Rule of Thirds-
In this photo the helicopter is
in the top left corner so it looks
like the helicopter is gonna fly across the picture instead of off
the photo.

the people in the line, as you follow them you being to see the destruction.

the photo shows the city kind of a
calm time so the city is in balance.

in this photo the mother and daughter are morning together
in the center of the photo.

Avoiding Mergers-
in this photo the solider is holding his gun
with his fellow soliders behind him so there is nothing werid like coming out of his head.