Monday, June 1, 2009

Questions and Answers

Interview on Me

  1. How do you think this year went?

I think it went well. I had a lot of fun for my freshman year.

  1. Is there one thing that you would change?

Yes, the one thing I would change is when I got in a fight with my friends and I stop talking to them for like 2 weeks and I really missed them a lot.

  1. Are you sad that this school year is over?

Yes, I am sad because I won’t see my friends for a long time, but we might meet up during the summer to hang out or whatever.

  1. What was your favorite class this year?

My favorite class this year was AVID because I had a lot of friends in there and we would talk a lot and just hang out in that class cause we finish our work fast, but if we didn’t feel like talking it also gave me a good amount of reading time.

  1. Who was your favorite teacher?

My favorite teacher is Ms.Dicke, she was my favorite because when ever we just joke around with her, she wouldn’t take it so seriously, and she would joke with us too.

  1. What is one embarrassing thing that happened this year?

The only thing I can think of is that I almost ran out of our class before the teacher even released us because I was so excited to get out of there.

  1. Are you looking forward to next year?

One thing I’m looking forward to be that I'm going to be a sophomore and now people can tease me and say I’m a fishy.

  1. Are you looking forward for the summer?

The thing I’m most looking forward to this summer is that my family and I are driving all the way to Washington in a RV. I can’t wait because I love road trips.

  1. Do you like the grades that you made this year?

They were ok, but I wish I could of change my grades during the 5th six weeks I could of done better on those.

  1. Did you accomplish your goals that you made for this year?
I did accomplish at least one of my goals, which was that I got my permit.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Assingmnet 05/28/09

Questions for Students

  1. How do you think this year went?
  2. Is there one thing that you would change?
  3. Are you sad that this school year is over?
  4. What was your favorite class this year?
  5. Who was your favorite teacher?
  6. What is one embarrassing thing that happened this year?
  7. Are you looking forward to next year?
  8. Are you looking forward for the summer?
  9. Do you like the grades that you made this year?
Did you accomplish your goal that you made for this year?

Assingmnet 05/26/09

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Assignment 04/08/09

ordinary People helping other ordinary people.
Some good people are picking up stuff that one person
left behind and tracking their owner so they can give it
back to them. These are just some people, doesn't mean
hat all people are doing this now, but they are places like
SendMeHome, BoomerangIt and TrackItBack, so that you can put a code
on it so people can trace it back to you.
This is different
because you hardly hear about someone who went
throught all this just to get something like a camera back to its owner.

it is happening now.

One story within the article happen Scotland, but this kinda stuff is
happening all over the place.

people are good and they just went out of their way to help some stranger.

i think it is kinda cool how some people can just do this for some random stranger.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Assignment 04/06/09

  • I think that one thing that the newspaper can add is that when we have a guest speaker here, they can put it in the newspaper so everyone can hear what they had to say if they couldn't go.
  • I think that they should put on the front page something that would really catch they student attention.
  • they should put either the weather for the day or the week.
  • Maybe they could put a index in the paper.
  • I also think that they should a little bit more color to it.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Assignment 03/27/09

Christina Chaviers and Her parents, Guinine and Rick Chaviers,
and Danny and Fran Kellers are involved. The situation mostly
affects Danny and Fran Kellers.

Christina is accusing Fran and Danny of sexually abuse. The
little girl, Christina, is claiming that she was sexually abused at her
day care. It happen back in like 1991 when the trial was in effect.
Christina had first spoken out to her parent in like 1990. Fran and Danny
were found guilty and are now serving their 48 life sentence.
This is different because it is not normal for a grown adult to go and
abuse childern thatcan't even defend themselves. The Keller's say that
they are innocent.

This happen back in 1990 and the trial was in 1991

This happen in Oak Hill, in Travis County, Texas

Only the child says that it happen, but they Keller's said that it never happen.
Nobody's ever know's why this happens...

I think this really just affects
Christina Chaviers, Danny and Fran Kellers.
I don't know how anybody can do something like this

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Assignment 03/25/09

The US And Mexico

The Mexico Drug Wars are coming into the US, it is happening
all the time, we have seen it become a big problem. Many innocent
people can get hurt if we don't stop this. We could try to put up more
security around the border.

It is happening all the time.. sometimes it becomes a big problem then
it dies down again.

It is mostly happening in the US states that are bordering Mexico.

It kind of just something that happens and plus they can make a lot
more money in the US selling that stuff.

It is costing some people to be abducted from out of their homes. Many
people are frighten of that these people might come to their house. This
can affect a lot of people in the US because it is hurting their fellow Americans.

I think that it is kind of scary. I have heard about it before and never really
thought nothing of it. I think Obama should put more security along the border.
Also I just feel bad for all the families that already fell victim to this.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Critique on the Newspaper

#1 Soccer scholar Jesus Cruz signs with High-Point
By Clarissa Marquez

I like that they put what he plans to major in while he plays soccer at High-Point. I like that they also put the other colleges that were interested in him. What I didn't like is that they didn't use enough quotes, I think that they should of used more quotes.I think it is a good article they pretty much give details and stuff, just use more quotes.

#2 The Killers come to Austin for a "Day and Age"
By Ricky Valenzuela

I like that in the beginning that he started off like you were actually there and the concert was just starting. I also liked that he also put a little comedy in it "with overpriced cups of beer". I also like that they mentioned all three of their CDs. I think that they could of maybe tried to find some people that went to the concert and got some input from them and added it in.

#3 Book Review: City of Ashes
By Alma Benitez

I like that they put some of the first book info because this is the second one that she is talking about. I like that she kind of tells what the story is about but she doesn't give everything away.I think that maybe they could of added maybe a little more information on the first book.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

questions for article

The Coach

  1. Can you describe the last seconds of the game?
  2. Are you proud of your boys?
  3. How long did you practice for this game?
  4. Were you disappointed that you guys lost by one point?
  5. Did you expect it go be that good of a game?
  6. What did you think about you opponent?
  7. Did you expect that much from your opponent?
  8. How you going to trying to improve your athletics?
  9. What was the training plan?
  10. Do you think they were equally matched?
  11. Is there one thing that you would of done differently for this game?
  12. How prepared were this boys?
  13. Did the other boys on the bench cheer them on?
  14. What would you tell the boys about the game if they were here right now?
  15. So are you pumped to beat them next year?
  16. Were you surprised to see how many students went to go support the eagles?
  17. What kind of pep talk did you give them before the game?
  18. How excited were you when you guys had another chance when ya’ll went into overtime?
  19. Did the crowd get excited during the game?
Did you feel more pressured because the principle was there?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Assignment 02/24/09

1. You must chose one of the following types of article:
  • Sports - Report the scores and stories. Don't try to give a play by play, just relate the highlights and mention the names of those who made the outstanding plays.
2. Once you've picked the type of article you need to brainstorm possible ideas. Post list on blog.
  • The Varsity losing by 1 point in overtime in the playoffs. Feb. 23,2009
  • The Varsity making it to playoffs.
3. Once you've picked one idea, think/brainstorm where you can find information for your topic. Ex. People to interview, websites to visit, statistics. Post on blog.

The Varsity losing by 1 point in overtime in the playoffs. Feb. 23,2009
  • The Team
  • The Coach
  • Some Students that went to the game
  • Some Teachers that went to the game
4. Start searching for information. Post ALL sources you use on your blog. If you need to interview someone at the school, come talk to me.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment 02/18/09

Story #1

Facebook and all of it's users

Facebook had change their Terms of Use and a lot of people were upset about it.
After Facebook got a lot of feedback they decided to change it back. This is different
because what they had said in their new Terms of Use was like I own you now.

When did or will this happen? Facebook had changed the Terms of Use like 2 weeks ago.
They have recently changed it back to its original terms. It hadn't been noticed until Sunday
when the blog consumerist cited them.

This happen on the Internet.

Facebook had wanted to change their Terms of Use and they way they worded it people
took it the wrong way so now they are trying to fix their mistake.

Facebook changed it Terms of Use. This effected all the people that use Facebook.

Link to Story:

Story #2
Michael Phelps, it mostly effects him but it also effects his fans.

What is happening? Phelps had been suspended for 3 months. Several of his sponsors
have dropped him. This is different because he is a great olympian that did great in
the Beijing Games got caught inhaling from a marijuana pipe. He has made a public apology.


This happen back in November of 2008 but the suspension has been announced in early
February 2009.

This happen at the University of South Carolina.

Phelps was not thinking very much and make a honest mistake and
now he has to pay for it.

This cost him a lot of his sponsor money. This mainly effects him. I was
disappointed in him see what he did when he got a great future,
but I think he can redeem himself

Link to Story:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignment 02/10/09

I picked this photo because I liked to think that this came out of a family desire to have fun for Halloween. I think it makes a good photo because it shows the joy of a "scary time" of the season.

I picked this photo because it just looked cool to me. I think it makes a good photo because it makes the apple shine with the water.

I picked this photo because simplicity of the photo. I think it makes a good photo because it shows a pair of an old gentleman's hands still playing the violin.

assignment 02/02/09

Our Lady of the Angelus, catholic school, students, faculty and the parents

Our Lady of the Angelus is in danger of being closed down due to minimal enrollment.

January 30

Queens, New York

Because schools have small numbers of students

Little students enrolling to school, hard for schools to raise money and in danger of being closed down.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Assignment 01/29/09

They change her neck length by moving her head up and they also made it thinner. They made her eyes bigger so they pop out. They smooth out her skin on her face. They rose her eyebrows when they enlarged her eyes.

I don't think it is ethical to change a person's appearance because its like your changing who the person is. Ethic means a set of principles of right conduct and do you think it is right to tell somebody that they are beautiful and then change everything about them.

I don't think it is all that bad compare to other where they really really change things.

I think that applying make-up is OK and maybe enlarging the eyes and smoothing her skin are OK too. I don't think making her neck longer and thinner is OK.

I think the difference between fashion photography and photojournalism is that fashion is just about making the model look good so people will pay attention and people will buy the product, and photojournalism they just edit the photo to make the main object pop out more so the viewer will pay more attention on the main object.

I think that fashion photography sometimes doesn't show the real reality but I think that photojournalism shows more reality than fashion does.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assignment 01/07/09

1.The story is about UW- Madison Collage who printed a picture for their brochure of a white and black man to try to show that they had minorities there. Some people took it the wrong way and now they are apologizing for it, for they didn't mean it that way.

2.A.Most Unethical-
I think this is the most unethical because the defination of ethic a set of principles of right conduct, and with a student being shot I don't thing is a right thing to do.

B. Least Unethical -
I think this is least unethical because it show the solider standing there and the purpose of the solider is to protect people and that what people think when they see a person in a uniform.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter Break

December 31,2008, New Years Eve for most, but for the Lopez family it was major party time in Houston.

The family came from all over Texas went down to celebrate together. As everyone showed up out came the liquor. The salsa started flaring and dancing til midnight began. We had people from Kyle, Tx. We had people from Austin Tx. We had people from Port Lavaca.

They weren’t nobody under the age of 15 there. Most were drinking age but 2 teens there who were responsible and did not drink. Others that couldn’t not make it still called at midnight to wish us a happy new year. Everyone all slept in the house so nobody left driving dunk.

“It was so much fun and everyone was so wasted.” Ashley Lopez says. “ My cousin Lina was so much fun when she had just a few drinks we danced all night.
William Taylor shows us his CD protection at 7:28pm. It was said that he didn't trust anyone else or anything else for protection.

Oscar Lopez decided that it is time for a carwash at 4:15pm. it said that it would be easier so he just drove his car into the pool.

The Birthday boy sure is happy. the family thought it would be cool if the actual birthday boy got a skull for a birthday cake.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Leona Lopez

1st Period

December 31,2008, New Years Eve for most, but for the Lopez family it was major party time in Houston.

The family came from all over Texas went down to celebrate together. As everyone showed up out came the liquor. The salsa started flaring and dancing til midnight began. We had people from Kyle, Tx. We had people from Austin Tx. We had people from Port Lavaca,TX.

They weren’t nobody under the age of 15 there. Most were drinking age but 2 teens there who were responsible and did not drink. Others that couldn’t not make it still called at midnight to wish us a happy new year. Everyone all slept in the house so nobody left driving dunk.

“It was so much fun and everyone was so wasted.” Ashley Lopez says. “ My cousin Lina was so much fun when she had just a few drinks, we danced all night."

The Name of The Technique

Simplicity- the blue background is simple so your eyes forced to focus on the two building on fire.

The Rule of Thirds-
In this photo the helicopter is
in the top left corner so it looks
like the helicopter is gonna fly across the picture instead of off
the photo.

the people in the line, as you follow them you being to see the destruction.

the photo shows the city kind of a
calm time so the city is in balance.

in this photo the mother and daughter are morning together
in the center of the photo.

Avoiding Mergers-
in this photo the solider is holding his gun
with his fellow soliders behind him so there is nothing werid like coming out of his head.